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Use SearchPatterns for doing market research

Gain insights on the needs of your target customer to confidently build products and truly serve existing needs. Search engine queries are insightful and less susceptible to unreliable surveys responses.

User search queries uncovering most sought after features

Understand the most sought after features by your customers

Search engine autocomplete data highlights most common queries that people have around a topic. Use Prepositions wheel to understand the features that your customers look for.

User search queries uncovering users personas for shoe buyers

Discover user personas around your offering

Search data can help gain meaningful insights about different user personas that buy a product and how they identify themselves within these personas. Use Prepositions wheel to discover these personas.

User search queries uncovering research people do before buying air purifier

Gain insights on research done by your target customers before purchasing

Customers do research before buying any product and understanding the way people research about your product can offer meaningful insights about alternatives they consider while researching. Use comparison wheel to gain insights on customer queries.

User search queries uncovering frequently asked questions around Gmail

Discover questions people have around a product

Search engine autocomplete data highlights most common questions that people ask around a topic. Use Questions wheel to understand the features that your customers look for.

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